Fundraising Telethons although few in India are not new.
The trigger for this post is the recently broadcast 24 hour NDTV Greenathon. A really commendable effort because of the:
- Kind of interest it was able to mobilise amongst the public at large and even the celebrities.
- Duration of time dedicated for the cause was also unparalleled.
- Amount of money it was able to generate, above INR 2.5 crores (>$ 500,000)
More on Greenathon can be found at http://green.ndtv.com/default.aspx?green=green
However, the kind of effort put could have raised more resources for the cause if:
- A clear ask in terms of smaller amounts were made e.g. INR 1,000, INR 5,000 and so on.
- Monthly pledge donors should have been recruited and not only one time donors. This would have ensured that a big percentage of these people continued with TERI (beneficiary non-profit organisation) year after year.
All said and done, kudos to the people who were behind it. To know more about other successful telethons in India, click on the links below
It would be great if Telethons become an annual way of raising resources for the social causes. I was once told by a former CEO of CRY-Child Rights & You, who had a telethon to credit, that in an evening through telethon they acquired as many donors as they had in 25 years of their existence.
I chanced upon your blog while surfing randomly. Its relatively easy for larger, more well known NGOs or channels such as NDTV to raise funds, but its really not easy for smaller NGOs (those otherwise doing great work) to get even small amounts of money. Like the mainstream banking system has in-built devices to keep the needy away, so does the NGO funding sector. No?
Hi sunil,
TERI was not exactly a fundraising NGO. Just that with the power of NDTV, the telethon has become the biggest fundraiser. any ngo can do it by leveraging other networks
Please Indicorps. Mail such things, as I saw it only 2 months after the last date.
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